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Crossley Fields


SEN Information Report

Here, at Crossley Fields School, we have a whole-school approach towards special educational needs policy and practice and we pride ourselves on our inclusive ethos.

Our vision for children with SEN is the same as our vision for all children; that they achieve their best during their time with us and lead happy and fulfilled lives through full and equal access to a high quality curriculum taught by knowledgeable teachers. This will be supported by high quality targeted supported where needed. We aim to ensure that all children play an active part in school life and to this end, our children with SEN have equal access to all aspects of school life.  Where a child’s SEN may be a potential barrier to them accessing the same as their peers, we will work closely with parents / carers and any external agencies to put in place any reasonable adjustments needed to ensure they are able to be included.

Meet the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) Team

Mrs Louise Howard (Headteacher – Inclusion and Safeguarding)

Mrs Rachel Booth (Year 3 Teacher and SENCo)

Miss Annaliese Hill (Foundation Stage Teacher and SENCo)

Mrs Sabah Ahmed is our SEN Governor and can be contacted via email at office@crossleyfields.com

Collectively we have a very strong SENCo team in school with Mrs Howard achieving the National Award in Special Educational Needs Co-ordination in 2012 and Mrs Booth and Miss Hill due to begin the National Professional Qualification for SEN when it is launched.  If you wish to contact one of the SENCos please do so via senco@crossleyfields.com or by contacting the school office on 01924 499608. Please be aware that our SENCos also teach and so will respond as soon as their non-teaching time allows. 

Which staff will support my child and what training have they had?

At Crossley Fields, in line with the Code of Practice, ALL teachers are teachers of children with SEN.

Children are also supported by a team of highly skilled Educational Teaching Assistants (ETAs) in school and for the majority of the time they will support children within the classroom.  Where children may require more bespoke or targeted provision this may be delivered in one of our small learning spaces across school. Teachers plan for all children’s learning, unless it is a specific targeted intervention programme that a member of the ETA team has been trained in, for example Social Use of Language Programme (SULP), Project X Code or physiotherapy exercises.  Either the class teacher or the SENCo then oversees this. 

All our teachers and ETAs receive in-house SEN training and are supported by the SENCos to meet the needs of pupils with SEN. As well as this, we are keen to ensure our staff receive training to support children with a wide range of needs and this has included training on sensory integration, autism awareness and behaviour as communication. We also work pro-actively with external agencies such as Speech and Language, Children’s Occupational and Physiotherapy as well as the Kirklees Specialist Provisions Outreach staff who will deliver training to staff directly working with a child.

What types of SEN do we provide for?

Crossley Fields is a mainstream primary school providing SEN support for children across the 4 areas of need as defined in the Code of Practice 2014. These are:

  • Communication and Interaction (for example Autistic Spectrum Condition, speech and language difficulties)
  • Cognition and Learning (for example specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia or moderate learning difficulties)
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health (for example Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ADHD)
  • Sensory and/or Physical (for example hearing impairment, visual impairment, physical impairment)

The purpose of identifying a child’s main area of need is to work out what action we may need to take to support the child, not to fit a child into a category.

What should I do if I think my child has SEN?

In the first instance, you should arrange a meeting with your child’s class teacher to discuss your concerns. This can be done via contacting the school office or via your child’s class email address.  If necessary, they may invite one of the SENCOs to attend the meeting too. You can also contact the SENCo Team directly at senco.crossleyfields.com.  During any meetings your child’s class teacher and / or a SENCo will listen to and discuss your concerns as well as your child’s strengths. Together we will decide what outcomes to seek for your child and agree on the next steps, which may include referrals to external agencies to support your child.  If it is decided that your child has SEN and requires some additional support, they will be added to our school’s SEND register.  

How will the school identify if my child has SEN?

We recognise the importance of the early identification of special educational needs to ensure children are fully supported. 

On entry to school, all children are baseline assessed, building on information from previous settings. Teachers will make regular and ongoing assessments of children’s progress and will identify children who have a significantly greater difficulty learning than other children of the same age despite receiving quality first teaching. This may include academic learning but also in areas such as social skills, emotional regulation and physical development. Teacher will also identify children whose progress:

  • Is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline;
  • Fails to match or better their previous rate of progress;
  • Fails to close the attainment gap between your child and their peers, despite receiving additional support, or
  • Widens the attainment gap.

Assessment data considered will include:

  • information from parents
  • records from pre-school/ nurseries or previous schools
  • evidence obtained via teacher observation/ assessment
  • child’s performance in National Curriculum subjects
  • standardised assessment tools providing reading, spelling and mathematical ability ages
  • end of key stage standard attainment tests (SATs) for children in year 2 and 6, and EYFS profile at the end of Foundation Stage
  • outcomes from phonics check at the end of year 1
  • online screening tools for dyslexia
  • reports from external agencies, such as Educational Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy.

As well as using data, teachers, ETAs and / or a SENCo will also observe pupils whether this be in their academic learning, in social situations such as at playtimes, or in activities where they are required to use their physical motor skills such as at lunchtime. All of this information will then be used to decide if your child has SEN.  Your child’s class teacher and / or a SENCo will discuss their concerns with you and together we will decide what outcomes to seek for your child and agree on the next steps, which may include referrals to external agencies to support your child.  If it is decided that your child has SEN and requires some additional support, they will be added to our school’s SEND register.  Children with SEN usually require support which is ‘additional to’ or ‘different from’ their peers; however for the vast majority of the time they are able to learn alongside their peers within the classroom through quality first teaching.  It should be noted however, that slow progress and low attainment would not automatically mean a pupil has SEN, for example, where a child newly arrives in England and their first language is not English or where a child has poor attendance.

How will the school adapt its teaching for my child?

High quality teaching is our first step in responding to your child’s needs.

At Crossley Fields, we believe all children have the right to access a broad and balanced curriculum including those children who have SEN.  Where children need a different approach to teaching, this may include:

 adapting resources or providing more practical equipment;

  •  altering groupings, for example smaller groups or 1:1 work;
  •  using aides such as a laptop, coloured overlays or visual timetables;
  •  pre-teaching key vocabulary or new topics, reading instructions aloud;
  •  allowing children to have longer processing time. 

What specialist services / expertise are available for children with SEN?

Although we do not have specialist teachers as part of our school staff, we do make full use of external agencies such as:

  •  Educational Psychology
  •  Children’s Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy
  •  Kirklees Specialist Provision Outreach Teams such as those for children with SEMH needs and Complex communication and Interaction Need (CCI)
  •  Kirklees Early Years SEN Team
  •  Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and Northorpe Hall.

We are very fortunate that we are also able to commission additional time from Locala School Nursing and additional time from The Yorkshire Speechie (qualified Speech and Language Therapist) which allows us to provide targeted support when needed. All of our work with external agencies operates through a referral system and we will discuss this with you before making such a referral.

How will we measure your child’s progress and evaluate success?

We follow what is known as a ‘graduated approach’ to meeting a child’s SEN. The graduated approach is 4-part cycle of assess, plan, do, review and is part of what is known as ‘SEN Support’.

This process will be continual. If the review shows that your child has made progress, then they may no longer need the additional provision made through SEN support. For others, the cycle may continue and the outcomes, strategies and support will be revisited and refined. Part of this may include referrals to outside agencies such as CAMHS, speech and language and Kirklees outreach support teams. 

For children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), we will also follow the cycle above on a termly basis. Longer-term outcomes in your child’s EHCP will be broken down into shorter, termly targets and documented on a Learning Plan. Children with an EHCP will also have an annual review of their EHCP led by one of the SENCos.

Part of the SENCos role, alongside the Senior Leadership Team, is to monitor and evaluate the progress made by children with SEN. As well as the graduated approach, other monitoring activities will take place, such as book scrutinies, listening to children read and observing children in class.

How will we support your child when they move on to their next class in school or when they leave Crossley Fields?

We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND and their family, and so making these transitions as smooth as possible is important for us.

When your child moves to their next class in school

Transition information meetings will be held between the staff who know your child well (including parents) and key information will be shared, usually this is structured around your child’s EHCP, My Support Plan/I-ADPR or Learning Plan. New targets will be written for the autumn term in their next class. Personalised transition plans will be discussed and this will be built around your child’s needs so that the can be successful in transitioning to their next class. This may include additional visits to their new classroom and time with their new class teacher, transition photo book to be shared in school and over the summer holidays and opportunity for parents to meet their child’s new teacher and support staff. We see transition as a continuum and to this end transition activities will continue into your child’s next class.

When your child leaves Crossley Fields

We follow a similar transition process to when children move between classes in school except that we will endeavour to invite the SENCo / Head of Year from your child’s next school to the transition planning meeting in the term before they leave Crossley Fields. This is to ensure opportunity for information about your child’s strengths and areas of need are discussed and to plan for a personalised transition plan. We are very much led by your child’s next school in terms of what this may look like as each school operates different transition planning systems. Where possible we would always encourage additional transition visits for your child to be built into the transition plan and we will authorise these absences from Crossley Fields.  Once your child is on their new school’s register, we will transfer any electronic or written SEND records. If requested, we are also happy to attend any review meetings at your child’s new school whilst they are still settling in.

How will the school support my child’s mental health and emotional and social development?

We provide support for children’s emotional and social development in many different ways, such as:

  • Ensuring positive, trusted relationships between your child and the adults working in their classroom so that they feel comfortable and confident to talk about any worries or problems they may have.
  • Emotional well-being check-in systems in class so children can identify how they are feeling on a daily basis. Children who are feeling negative will then have time to talk to a trusted adult.
  • Teaching children what Mental Health is and ways in which they can look after their own mental health. This is done through assemblies, themed weeks and our PSHE curriculum.
  • Commissioning additional time from the Locala School Nursing Team which can be used for meeting with parents to discuss any concerns they may have about their child’s emotional wellbeing, such as sleeping, eating, anxiety. The School Nurse also runs small group sessions in school with pupils aimed at developing skills so that they may talk about their emotions and have a toolbox of ideas to help them manage their feelings. The school nurse will also signpost parents and refer children to other agencies who may be able to offer additional support, such as Locala continence team and Kirklees Keep in Mind.
  • An effective anti-bullying policy and whole school behaviour policy which includes an anti-bullying charter devised by the children.
  • Targeted support for individual children, such as bereavement support.
  • Named Mental Health lead and trained member of staff in Youth Mental Health First Aid.
  • Sports Leaders who work across school at lunchtimes setting up games for younger children and encouraging them to join in.
  • 'My Happy Mind’ lessons. My Happy Mind is an NHS endorsed mental health and wellbeing programme for children throughout school. It supports children to build resilience and self-esteem through a science based approach to the mind, and teaching pro-active strategies for if emotions become overwhelming.
  • Pupil ‘Mental Health Champions’ in Key Stage 2 classes and at playtimes. These are a group of children who have been trained by Kirklees Keep in Mind staff to support other children’s mental health and wellbeing.

What should I do if I have a complaint about my child’s SEN provision?

In the first instance we would encourage you to talk to your child’s class teacher who will work with you to try to resolve the situation and ensure a positive outcome for your child. If this is not possible, we may ask that you contact one of the SENCos through senco@crossleyfields.com or via the school office on 01924 499608. You may also contact one of our Headteachers office@crossleyfields.com

If you still remain dissatisfied with our school’s actions then you may be asked to follow the school’s complaints procedure, a copy of which can be obtained via the school office.

If you have a complaint to make about a child with an EHCP and this relates directly to their plan, for example it has not been updated within timescales, please contact Kirklees SENDACT via senact@kirklees.gov.uk or 01484 456888. We would also ask that you let one of the school SENCos know also so that we can support with this.

Who can support me and my family?

Having a child with SEN can be fulfilling and rewarding, but it can also present its challenges. In the first instance, if you have a question about your child’s SEN, are finding something a challenge at home or just want to check out what an acronym means then please contact ether your child’s class teacher or one of the SENCos who will be happy to talk with you.

Many of our parents of children with SEN often ask about support for them as parents. PCAN (Parents of Children with Additional Needs) are a free support group for parents/carers of children and young people with additional needs aged 0-25 years. They can be contacted:

Email: info@pcankirklees.org

Telephone: 07754 102336

They are also on social media such as Facebook

KIAS (Kirklees Information and Advice Service)

This is a free, impartial and confidential service working with parents / carers, children and young people offering information and advice relating to a child or young person’s SEND. Parents can self-refer using the contact details below.



The Kirklees Local Offer

The Kirklees Local Offer also has a wealth of information for parents and carers or children with SEN, including information on support services and activities within the local community.


Kirklees Early Help Services

The Kirklees Early Help Team sits within Kirklees Safeguarding Support and aims to offer early intervention for children and families to stop problems escalating. The Early Help Team is made up of Early Help Consultants, Family Support Workers, play workers and youth workers as well as sitting on referral panels with representatives from the Children with Disabilities Team. They can offer support around family finances, benefits, family support services and parenting agencies. Please contact Mrs Howard (Headteacher for Pupil Inclusion) via senco@crossleyfields.com or 01924 499608 

Admission to Reception Class

Parents can apply online for admission to full time school using this link


Places are allocated by the local authority and parents are notified in the spring term. Parents of children who are unsuccessful have the right to appeal to the local authority.

Admission During The Academic Year

Parents moving into the area can apply for a school place by completing an in year common application form (ICAF) which can be obtained from the main reception. Unsuccessful applicants have the right to appeal via the local authority.

Admission of Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)

In line with Kirklees LA policy, Crossley Fields will meet the needs of the majority of children. In some instances it may be decided that the child should have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment under the Children & Families Act 2014: Part 3, which can lead to an EHC Plan.

The majority of children with EHC Plans continue their education in their local school, but the LA also maintain special schools and specialist resourced provision in mainstream schools.

If you have any questions about the admission of children with SEN please contact the SENCOs or Kirklees SEN Assessment and Commissioning Team


01484 456888

How do we ensure equality and fair access?

Crossley Fields Equality Policy can be found below:

Equality Policy

This policy sets out how Crossley Fields School has paid due regard to the need:

  • to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act
  • to advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
  • to foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

What are our access arrangements?

At Crossley Fields we are committed to providing an accessible environment which values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs. We are committed to challenging negative attitudes about disability and accessibility and to developing a culture of awareness, tolerance and inclusion.

Crossley Fields plans, over time, to ensure the accessibility of provision for all pupils, staff and visitors to the school.

The Accessibility Plan will contain relevant actions to:

  • Improve access to the physical environment of the school, adding specialist facilities as necessary. This covers reasonable adjustments to the physical environment of the school and physical aids to access education.
  • Increase access to the curriculum for pupils with a disability, expanding and making reasonable adjustments to the curriculum as necessary to ensure that pupils with a disability are as, equally, prepared for life as are the able-bodied pupils; (If a school fails to do this they are in breach of the DDA). This covers teaching and learning and the wider curriculum of the school such as participation in after-school clubs, leisure and cultural activities or school visits. It also covers the provision of specialist aids and equipment, which may assist these pupils in accessing the curriculum.
  • Improve and make reasonable adjustments to the delivery of written information to pupils, staff, parents and visitors with disabilities. Examples might include hand-outs, timetables, textbooks and information about the school and school events. The information should be made available in various preferred formats within a reasonable time frame.
  • The Action Plan for physical accessibility relates to the Access Audit of the School, which is undertaken regularly. It may not be feasible to undertake some of the works during the life of this first Accessibility Plan and therefore some items will roll forward into subsequent plans. The audit will need to be revisited prior to the end of each first three year plan period in order to inform the development of the new Plan for the following period.

Full copies of the school Accessibility Plan 2017-2020 can be found below

Accessibility Plan

Date Reviewed: November 2024

Next Review: November 2025

Name and Contact Details of SENCO:

Louise Howard – Headteacher (Inclusion & Safeguarding) leads on SEND at our school. We also have two SENCO's in addition to this, Rachel Booth and Annaliese Hill. They can all be contacted on the number below.

Tel: 01924 499608

Information on the Kirklees Local Offer for pupils with Additional Needs can be found on


Colleagues from the Local Authority can be contacted on:
