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Crossley Fields


Your child can start in our Foundation class in the September after they celebrate their fourth birthday.

If you are interested in sending your child to our Foundation Stage then you need to register your child by logging onto the Kirklees School Admissions website at Kirklees Admissions.

You need to do this between 1 September and 15 January one year before your child is due to start school.  You will be notified by Kirklees School Admissions of the primary school place your child has been allocated during the spring term, prior to your child starting school in September.

We welcome children starting at our school at any stage of their primary education.  Please contact the school office for further information.

How is it decided who comes to Crossley Fields?

If the number of requests is greater than the number of places available, places will be offered taking into account the following criteria:

  • Pupils who are looked after (in public care)
  • Pupils who live in area of the school with siblings
  • Pupils who live in area of the school
  • Pupils who live out of area with siblings
  • Pupils who live out of area
  • Nearest school with places

Special consideration will be given when outside agencies are involved and make a recommendation e.g. family doctor, educational psychologist, social worker.

Which school will my child transfer to?

At the end of Year 6, when your child is eleven, he/she will transfer to secondary school. 

We work closely with secondary schools to ensure that transfer from one stage of education to another is as smooth as possible.  Year 6 children usually spend an induction day at their new school in the summer term.

In the autumn term when your child is in Year 6, you will be sent a reminder from school to register your child for secondary school.  This will involve you logging onto Kirklees Admissions between 1 September and 31 October.  You will be notified by School Admissions of the secondary school place your child has been allocated during the spring term, prior to your child starting secondary school in September.


Kirklees Metropolitan Council
Schools Admissions
First Floor Kirkgate Buildings
Byram Street

Tel: 01484 225007

Email: pupiladmissions@kirklees.gov.uk

Parents can check which priority admission area their address falls on the Kirklees website at:

Kirklees School Catchments